Joey Terrill: Just What Is It About Today’s Homos That Makes Them So Different, So Appealing?
ONE Gallery, West Hollywood
May 18 – August 25, 2013
Joey Terrill: Just What Is It About Today’s Homos That Makes Them So Different, So Appealing? presents work by this Los Angeles-based queer Chicano artist, covering five decades of Terrill’s output including paintings, drawings, collages, and artists’ magazines. Rooted in a commitment to social justice, Terrill contests categories of identity, consistently blurring the line between art, life, archive, and activism. The works assembled in this exhibition point to multiple concerns of the artist such as raising political consciousness, complicating forms of representation and identity, and exploring personal histories.
Find more information about this exhibition here.
Joey Terrill wearing his maricón T-shirt, 1975. Photo by Teddy Sandoval. Courtesy of Joey Terrill
Find more information about this exhibition here.
Joey Terrill wearing his maricón T-shirt, 1975. Photo by Teddy Sandoval. Courtesy of Joey Terrill