EZTV: Video Transfer

ONE Gallery, West Hollywood
March 15 – June 1, 2014
EZTV: Video Transfer explores the history of EZTV, a pioneering video space founded in West Hollywood in 1979. Perhaps the country’s first micro-cinema exclusively dedicated to video, EZTV was both a screening venue and production house. Through the exhibition, accompanying screenings, and public discussions, EZTV: Video Transfer looks to excavate how the space supported queer video, as well as more generally, its involvement with alternative video practices, performance, art, and community-building.

Find more information about this exhibition here.

EZTV flyer designed by James Williams, 1984. EZTV Video Collection. ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

EZTV opening montage, 1984. Digital transfer of 3/4 in. videotape. EZTV Video Collection. ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Installation view of EZTV: Video Transfer. Photo by David Evans Frantz. Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

EZTV: Video Transfer review by Julia-Bryan Wilson in Artforum 53, no. 1 (September 2014)